Thursday, March 22, 2012


"With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early." Isaiah 26:9

Since becoming a mother, I have enjoyed mornings immensely. I am an introvert, albeit an extroverted one. Mornings provide the perfect opportunity that every introvert craves, yet comes so rarely with young children- the opportunity for silence.

I do enjoy the chatter of my almost nine year old. But I require a little "white space" as one writer put it. It helps me feel grounded as I start the active part of my day.
Recently, in the middle of a series of questions, I felt compelled to create a moment of silence. My 35 year old brain enjoyed a 10 minute respite from conversation. I think my son felt calmed by it as well. I proceeded afterward with a much better frame of mind.

Although mornings are typically pleasant for me, I have also found that they can be uncomfortable. This morning I was up at 2:30 or so and did not enjoy much sleep after that time. I was out of bed for approximately 1/2 hour when my alarm sounded at 5 A.M. It seems like mornings are the moments that are right for hashing out feelings or events that aren't always pleasant.

My thoughts this morning were regarding being a parent. It isn't any easy job but I cannot think of anything else I would rather do. Admitting that I haven't been living up to my own standards as a parent is tough. But this morning it was necessary to get me back on track.

The exact nature of my concerns are a topic for another blog. As I prepare for the privilege of another day with my children, I thank God for the moments when He wakes me up early to talk to me, to speak to my heart in the silence.

If you get the chance some morning, get up with the stars. Beat the sun before it makes it appearance. Get a cup of tea, breathe in and out and enjoy. Don't be afraid of what the heavenly Father might say in the silence.

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.". I John 4:18, KJV

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