Wednesday, June 29, 2011

At home in a hotel. . .

We are two and 1/2 hours away from the house today, but I am feeling right at home.  We've followed Daddy to his place of work this week and are experiencing that "home is where the heart is".  Without Dan the beautiful landscape, the comforts of home seem to lose their appeal.  We feel the emptiness when he is away.

Homeschooling allows us to do this and adds to my reasons for loving the option of doing so.  I realize that in many places there is not the freedom to homeschool and I am that much more thankful.  We are doing summer school at least four or five more weeks.  When the new baby arrives we plan to take an Indian summer break and adjust to becoming a family of four.

When we are visiting Dan homeschooling is our constant thing.  It is hard to keep up a regular schedule but it doesn't seem quite as important when we have nothing else to do that day while Dan works.  My son and I can read together, play on the computer, go to the park or run to a nearby store in between lessons since I do not have to worry as much about cooking, cleaning, bills and other responsibilities of home. 

Enjoying the moment and learning from our present surroundings is to me what homeschooling is all about.  There are always opportunities to learn in life and they do not end when school days have past.  Keeping the mindset that every place and time can hold a lesson is important.  Sharing that time and place with each other makes it much sweeter.

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