Sunday, April 15, 2012

No more convictions...

Birds singing outside my window... the Sunday after Easter, 36 Easters and I'm still not sure I understand. Do I really understand the resurrection? Tradition takes hold of me daily. My husband says I'm ruled by my convictions. He makes it sound so good- like someone I'd like to know. But I know the fear, the anger, the doubts that rule over me. I know I met Jesus. In the basement of the Second Baptist Church one morning. Mrs. Anderson talked quietly about the cross, about Jesus dying for me. And I felt his presence. I felt remorse, even at the age of seven or eight. I knew he died for me. I had never felt so free and clean. I floated above the sidewalk on the way back to class. 28 or 29 years isn't really a long time. But it seems that way. And all I can think about is what have I done? Have I done anything to show my allegiance? There comes a time when convictions aren't enough. Convictions don't make you love someone. Convictions don't bind up the wounds of others. Convictions walk around the traveler lying in the road. Convictions don't serve with joy. They stand their ground. They are the heralds, the moral compass of the group. But they leave you a little cold. A little misunderstood. And further from the little basement in the second Baptist Church. And they make you more grounded to the sidewalk on the way back to class. Fast forward and all I can think about is the past. The way I felt back then - the way I want to feel now. Alive! Resurrected! Clean! I know I don't have to go back. I just have to reach out. Reach out past the dishes. Reach past the piles of laundry. Then there's my son.. A beautiful gift. I have to reach past my pride. Find the freshness of a new parent. Strip away the convictions, the traditions, the expectations of others in my traditional bubble. Spare the rod and spoil the child they say, but what about "Thy Rod and Thy staff they comfort me?". What about "goodness and mercy"? What about Grace? I ask you,Lord,to pick me up out of my puddle of self-righteousness. And instead of placing my feet on solid ground,I ask you to help me float. Float above my expectations for my son and myself, above the dirty sidewalk of my anger , above the bully inside of me that desires to force my son to do right instead of leading him gently like a shepherd by the still waters. Instead of gently making him to lie down in green pastures filled with the flowers of encouragement, the nourishment of acceptance. Help me to lead him to you, and in the process, find you myself. Again. Amen.


My Little Wonders said...

Beautiful Tara! What you wrote reminds me of what our priest said today at Mass ... the resurrection is not meant to be a one-time event, but is to influence our manner of living in the present, every day. We are to go out into the world (I know for me, that is just merely going out into my family here with me in this house) sharing, being peacemakers, and living in joy. I needed to hear that this morning, and yet coming home, dealing with someone not wanting to do their share to help clean up breakfast, or listening to someone getting angry with another over a misunderstanding, it is hard to remember.

4 For MORE said...

I typed a entire page and deleted it so here I go again . Love your children to the Lord the way He loves us and teaches us. No one is a better parent for your children than you. God gave them to you and Dan for a reason because you know and love them better than anyone else. Read 1000 gifts book by Ann Voskamp Living life fully in the moment ! It has blessed my life and will change your vision on dirty Dishes and piles of laundry enjoy the little moments.

Love you and am so proud of you!

Tara said...

It is funny that you mention Ann Voskamp. I just discovered her blog and I love it. She has so much insight. I didn't realize that you blog! Thanks for the encouragement and for reading. I love you too- we miss y'all. Maybe we will make our way back to Florida sometime.

Tara said...

I agree. I found myself forgetting as well today when things were not going as planned in the behavior department. I was tired and the baby needed me and I definitely was not in resurrection mindset! I guess the important thing is going back to that mindset until it becomes the mindset I have most of the time. That's what we strive for anyway.

Tara said...

I guess a better way to put it is not as a "mindset" but as getting back to the "person" of Christ in His resurrected glory- mindset takes me right back to my legalistic convictions! I have to get things out of the head knowledge to my heart.