Sunday, May 13, 2012

Gratitude for Mom

How do you thank a mother?

Sometimes words aren't enough. Every day people are saying things about their mother without saying anything at all. In their conversation, their dress, the books they read. Sometimes it is a reflection of their mother, but sometimes it isn't. Many a righteous mother has cringed to hear her child open his lips. Many a mediocre mother has beamed at her daughter's stellar performance. And practically every mother has either smiled with pride or flushed with embarrassment to see her young (or grown) child imitating her.

Not everyone has a mother to thank today. Four years as a caseworker with children that are at risk of abuse and neglect, was time enough to drive the point home. Women, clothed in flesh like myself, missing the boat. Mastered by addiction, depression, and the futility of life. Little eyes reflected the misery of being in their Mother's presence. Yet they desperately clung. After all, you only have one mother.

I was one of the the blessed, through no merit of my own. As I think about how to thank you, Mom, I realize the best way is in living well. Because no matter how hard I try not to, I see my children as a reflection of myself. And I know you do the same. I've often heard you say "if I'd only taught you this or that. . .". But you taught me well through the many things you did or didn't do. Here's how I want to thank you:

When I get up in the morning I will thank you by opening my Bible. I will be reading it when my children awaken. ( This is a vivid childhood memory for me)

When they lay their little heads down at night, I will pray with them. They will go to sleep with God the father as their final thought. (What security I found in this!)

When I stand in the kitchen barefoot, I will sing hymns of praise. I hope my children will memorize the words and sing them when their hearts need a song. (one of my favorite memories)

When I speak to my husband I will do so with respect. My children will not hear me criticizing him. But they will hear me say by my words and actions that I am content with him. (a great gift for my Dad and us kids)

When I am working I will not complain I will be happy to be alive and serving my family. (why I think gardening, putting up wood are fun. . .)

When I consider the task of the day, I will put my family first,tirelessly washing dishes and clothes, cooking hot meals. (How did you do it?)

When I will work side-by-side with my husband, I will model teamwork for watching eyes and listening ears. (countless times on the farm!)

When my children are near I will kiss them and make them feel loved. I will hope they are proud of me like I am of you. (you did what didn't come easily for your own parents despite their love for you)

And sometimes I will find time to run and slide across the hardwood floor in my socks or make up silly songs like "there is no other like your Mother"

So many things you modeled for me, I aspire to model. So much of who I am, I owe to you. My love of home and land, my belief that I can write and write well, my desire for Jesus, my enjoyment of work, my pride in womanhood, my love of old books, my reverence for my elders- just to name a few.

So today I thank you for all the things you did and didn't say - for just being yourself and in so doing influencing me for the good. I hope that my life will be a thank you. And that you will have cause to believe that the many seemingly endless task you performed before me were not in vain.

I love you and I hope you make the time to relax and breathe in God's love for you today. And I hope you accept the fact that as a mother you have given your all. Well done, Mom! Happy Mother's Day!!!

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